Meal Time Fresh is Best Alpaca Pellets + Zinc

$40.00 incl. GST

Meal Time Alpaca Pellets plus Zinc have been developed as a supplementary feed to help in the prevention of Facial Eczema(FE). These pellets that include zinc should be fed over the most dangerous period for FE from mid-January to mid-April.

SKU: MT-FIB-ALP+Z Category:

Feeding Recommendations

• Introduce Meal Time Alpaca Pellets plus Zinc gradually to allow digestive systems to adjust to the higher starch intake.

• Alpacas should always have access to a quality fibre source such as hay, chaff, pasture or silage to maintain a healthy digestive system.

• Do not allow individual animals to over consume. When feeding a group of animals spread the feed along the trough to allow for easy access by them all.

• Keep feed fresh and ensure feeding containers are kept clean.

• Ensure that Alpacas have access to fresh, clean water at all times.

Suggested Feeding Rates of Meal Time Alpaca Pellets plus Zinc to help prevent Facial Eczema:

• Feed Meal Time Alpaca Pellets plus Zinc from mid-January to mid-April to help with the prevention of Facial Eczema.

Do not feed Meal Time Alpaca Pellets plus Zinc for more than 100 days continuously.

Suggested Feeding Rates to aid in prevention of Facial Eczema:

• Feeding Rate: 3grams/kg of body weight

• Adult Males(80kg): 240grams/head/day

• Adult Females(60kg):180grams/head/day

• Young: 50-150grams/head/day depending on weight

• Cria: 50-100grams/head/day depending on weight

Additional information

Weight 20 kg
Dimensions 35 × 15 × 60 cm

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